God is Love, Sermon 1
Series Overview –
--January = Vision Month= connect w/ God’s plan for world, ourselves and this church
--For many of us 2024 was tough – Some of us had some really struggled with God - in
some cases it grew our practice but some of us need to find our love again
--Unsure of God = usually even more unsure of self. Need to find self-love again
--This community = folks generally easier to love but we have been growing apart
--Love of neighbor is not fashionable– AND it is what we are called to! Love for those
being rejected AND those caught up in scapegoating – Both are hard if we are depleted
--Love of God, Love of Self, Radical Love of Neighbor (The one beat up on the ground and
the ones that passed them by)
--This series we go through Inauguration, Black History Month, Valentines Day and AME
Founders Day, Lent – Easter, Earth Day and we will hold the theme of love through it all!
--This month - What does it look like to lead with love? We will study and be creative!
Exegesis –
--1 John is in the Johnine tradition. Mystical w/ deep focus on love, deep call to build
active communities, recognition that there is evil and all prophecy is not on point
--Also can be very dualistic w/an us vs. them bent that has some dangers to it. Has been
used to stoke antisemitism and scapegoating (Salem witch trials, etc.)
--We are called to feel deeply but we should pay attention to where it can go overboard
The Core of this Scripture is Really Clear
1. God IS Love – Love is the essence of God! (John 3:16 as the essential scripture)
2. If you are God’s child – Then you have to be about Love (Period)
3. Love is the antidote to Fear!
Before we can move with Love we have to get really clear what love looks like, sounds like,
tastes likes, smells like and feels like. During Vision Month – I am encouraging us to start from
an authentic vision of love. I think there are plenty of examples of what it doesn’t look like – but
to reflect it – we need to see it! If we can see it – then we can be it. So the invitation this vision
month is to keep holding the question - What does it look like to live and lead with love?
Reflection Questions
1. I John 4 says that God is Love. Is that how you experience God? What helps you to
experience God’s love? What stands in the way?
2. The scripture says that perfect love casts out fear. As we start the new year – what are
some fears that you are walking with that you need to invite love to displace?
3. Vision Exercise - What would it look like for every part of your life to be driven by love?
Through whatever medium works for you – drawing, journaling, poetry, movement –
express a vision of what a life of love would look like for you.