God is Love, Sermon 4
Review – We are in our 4 month series on love – a deep study not only on the nature of God, but a call for us to embrace love as the most powerful force that can overcome the darkness that is growing in our souls and in our world.
Three core points –
1. God IS Love
2. God’s children are called to love.
3. Love is the antidote to Fear!
But you can’t be something that you can’t really see or imagine. So during this vision month I am lifting up visions of love that I hope will break through to our spirits and help us have a real picture of what God is calling us to.
Exegesis –
--The vision of love in this scripture was at the heart of the early church
--They were small and countercultural and they called themselves “The Way”
--Many of them had family who thought they were crazy for joining this Jesus Movement
--As they start to attract more followers, the empire is afraid of them
--But Christianity takes a major turn in 325AD when the Roman Emperor Constantine
brings together 250 bishops to create the Nicene Creed
--Christianity becomes institutional and attached to imperial forces
--In 1517 Protestant Reformation pushes back partially
--In 1729 John Wesley established The Holy Club at Oxford University
--They met first to help each other grow spiritually – to confess sins, ask for prayer, took
communion regularly which was a big deal – eventually love feast becomes huge
--This was radical because it said that we don’t need clergy or a church building to
experience God – where 2 or 3 are gathered – God is in their midst.
--We have benefitted from major changes as a result of this movement.
Key Points – They had a vision that was built on being in right relationship.
1. Right Relationship with God
2. Right Relationship with Ourselves and Our Community
3. Right Relationship with the Larger World
As we go into our own season of figuring out how we are called individually and collectively to
respond to the current moment, we know that we need a movement. A movement of love that
rejects the politics of hate and fear. A movement that is driven by the life and teaching of Jesus
Christ but that shows up in real people’s live.
Reflection Meditation
1. Envision (Past) - Think about a time that you have been part of a small group at New
Roots or somewhere else where you really felt seen and loved. What did you receive
from that space? What gifts did you bring to the group?
2. Envision (Future) – What is a challenge or dream in your life or in the world that you
really want to go into more deeply? Imagine how you might do that with a small group
of other people.