New Roots In Nature 2024

Aug 4, 2024    Rev. Mariama White-Hammond

As we continue New Roots in Nature we will remain in awe of the amazing world that God has created. And as we are in this electoral season, during the time that Parable of the Sower was predicting we are wrestling with Christian Nationalism. Last week we began with an overview of the three points we will explore throughout the coming weeks. Which are:  

1. Our faith in God should always be at the center of everything – there is no identity or ideology that supersedes

2. True faith produces growth and fruit in alignment with God’s plan but we do not worship those outcomes – justice, righteousness, community, or abundance. 

3. We are called to be active in this world but to be cautious about amassing power!

Today we focus on point one!!


The Appeal to Heaven Flag that is being used today is an interesting story in Christian Nationalism. It was created by Colonel JO


Key Points - 

1. We are called to God First, not America First, not anything else first. No other Gods before me!!!! Not Blackness, or femalehood, not Democrat or Republican, no fraternity or justice organization. God will not share top billing with anyone!!!!

2. We can be ambassadors within groups as long as we are clear that we are rooted first in our faith in God.

3. That also means that others who may be different from us, but profess our faith are our siblings!!!


Reflections Questions

1. Do you feel clear about being able to say God First or is that something that still feels like a struggle? What are the theological questions that might make your struggle? Would others see that in your life? What do you need to do in practice to make this more of a reality?

2. How do you feel called to be an ambassador within the identity groups that you move in? Is that a comfortable space or a place that you find challenging? How can you be active and engaged without losing the centrality of your faith?

3. How comfortable are you being in relationship with other Christians? Are there concerns and conflicts you have with the church that complicate this? How might working through your relationship with other Christians create opportunities for God to grow and mature you?