New Roots In Nature 2024

Aug 11, 2024    Rev. Mariama White-Hammond

Recap – For the past two weeks we have been doing a series on Christian nationalism as we see it rise around our country and the world. 

1. Our faith in God should always be at the center of everything – there is no identity or ideology that supersedes

a. We are called to God First, not America First, not anything else first. No other Gods before me!!!! Not Blackness, or femalehood, not Democrat or Republican, no fraternity or justice organization. God will not share top billing with anyone!!!!

b. We can be ambassadors within groups as long as we are clear that we are rooted first in our faith in God.

c. That also means that others who may be different from us, but profess our faith are our siblings!!!

2. True faith produces growth and fruit in alignment with God’s plan but we do not worship those outcomes – (justice, righteousness, community, or abundance. )

3. We are called to be active in this world but to be cautious about amassing power!

Today we focus on point two!!


Key Points

1. If we are moving according to God’s will it should look like God in the process

a. Just in case we forget Galatians gives us a reminder of what God looks like and what God doesn’t look like. 

2. If we are moving according to God it should like God in the tangible outcome

3. AND we don’t worship the process or the product but the God who creates them

a. When we worship the process we will engage in fake piety and it will be obvious

b. When we worship the outcomes we fall into the ends justifies the means thinking 


Reflection Questions

1. Which fruits do you see on display in your life (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control)? Where are you falling short? How can you invite God’s transformative power in?

2. Where has God produced tangible outcomes in your life, your family, or community? Where do you feel called to partner with God more deeply in any of those spheres?

3. Are there ways in which you find yourself worshipping the process or products of God? How can you center your relationship with God more completely and avoid idolizing the piety or justice?